
If you have a complaint or see an inaccuracy, please get in touch so we can fix it and improve in the future. You can see the full details of our complaints and whistleblower policy here, but the long and short of it is to drop us an email on Please note, we can only deal with your complaint if you are:

  • personally and directly affected by an alleged breach of the Code,
  • a representative group affected by an alleged breach of the Code, where there is public interest in your complaint,
  • a third party seeking to ensure accuracy of published information.

Make sure to include your name, address, email, and phone number and you’ll receive an acknowledgement within seven days and a resolution within 21 days – we’ll aim to address this sooner in may cases. We recommend reading our full complaints guidelines here before you submit a complaint.

We’ll always make sure to correct the complaint transparently too – if needs be, we’ll correct it with due prominence, or add a note to the content in question to explain any changes. If you’re not satisfied with our answer, there are provisions within our guidelines to escalate this with our regulator, IMPRESS.


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