Supported content from City St George's, University of London Journalism Department
January 9, 2023 (Updated )
So, you’ve put together your application for a journalism MA course and have now been invited for an interview. Usually, as journalists we’re used to being the ones asking the questions — so how’s best to prepare for your turn in the hot seat?
To help you on your way, we’ve asked lecturers and students from City St George’s, University of London, one of the UK’s leading journalism departments, to run through what happens on the day and how you can give yourself the best chance of success.
When Will I Be Invited To An Interview?
First things first, it’s worth stressing that not all journalism masters courses require you to attend an interview. Some will assess you entirely based on your written application, but others — like all the MA journalism courses at City St George’s will require an interview — so make sure to do your research before you apply.
Your interviewers will want to get the best out of you. (Image Credit: Priscilla du Preez / Unsplash)
If a course does require an interview, generally you can expect to hear within one month of submitting your initial application. You will then be invited for an interview online or in person, depending on the course.
It doesn’t matter how your interview is conducted, assures Jason Bennetto, City’s senior lecturer in Magazine Journalism. “It certainly won’t reduce your chances of being offered a position on the course if you aren’t able to come in person,” he says. In fact, some courses offer online interviews as standard.
He adds: “I do recommend coming to City for an open day if possible — where you get to meet other applicants: your fellow cohorts, your course tutors, and see our cutting edge facilities. That can be really useful to experience beforehand.”
“We won’t discriminate against anyone who might be away or can’t come down for the interview. It certainly won’t reduce your chance of being offered a position on the course if you aren’t able to come in person."
Jason Bennetto, Senior Lecturer
How Do I Prepare For A Postgraduate MA Journalism Interview?
Perhaps the most important thing to do ahead of your interview is to go through your original application to the course. Take a bit of time to revisit your answers and think about what people might want to know more about if they didn’t know you — it could even be worth asking a friend outside of journalism to look through it to see if there are any gaps.
It will help also to be crystal clear why you are applying for a particular MA programme and what you’re hoping to achieve from the course.
“Be ready to give us an idea of the next steps you envisage for your career after the course — or how you will use it to explore journalism in more depth,” urges Jonathan Hewett, a senior journalism lecturer at City St George’s, University of London, who also teaches on the MA Newspaper Journalism.
Make sure you’ve researched the course thoroughly beforehand: take a look at the course overview, the modules, and the facilities they offer, as well as where previous alumni have ended up working. You can also see course rankings to understand what the course does best; for example, City is ranked first in the UK for journalism.
As well as looking on the course website, you can often find useful alumni details by searching for the specific programme on LinkedIn. One tip is to use this format on Google – “city, university of london”. You can vary what you put in the quotation marks to search for specific courses.
Explore City's Sector Leading Multimedia Facilities
The Journalism Department at City St George’s, University of London boasts sector-leading facilities developed in consultation with experts from the BBC and ITN. Whether you’re looking to lay out a magazine, put together a podcast, or produce a full-scale television broadcast, you’ll find the right resources.
Here are just some of the facilities you’ll find:
• Two digital newsrooms where you can produce newspapers, websites, and magazines — including their own publication XCity.
• A broadcast standard television student with a green screen to produce TV news and current affairs programmes.
• Two radio production newsrooms and three broadcast standard radio studios to produce a variety of programmes.
You should be able to clearly and succinctly answer why you want to be a journalist and show examples of the work you have done to date to support your interest in journalism. This might range from work experience at student publications to local media work — it could even be your own blog or a social media account you’ve set up.
Tiago Ventura, 25, is a student on the MA Magazine Journalism and says his interview “was fairly casual, more like a chat”. He recommends that interviewees prepare adequately and research the course and modules. He says: “Think about general questions, like why you want to be a journalist and what topics you’re passionate about. The tutors are super nice and they’re not trying to catch you out, they just want to make sure you have the passion and dedication for this very intense course.”
Archie Earle, 23, took his interview in 2022 and successfully gained a place on the MA Newspaper Journalism. He advises: “If you aren’t feeling confident in your experience, you can make up for that by being very passionate about wanting to be a journalist. Remember, whatever your experience you are still starting the MA course as a blank canvas. You are there to learn and grow into a brilliant journalist.”
“We want people who are curious about the world,” advises Jason. “So, make sure you know what’s going on in the news and in the world. Come with ideas on what you would like to do and achieve as a journalist — and be ready to discuss them with us.”
It doesn’t matter if your interview is online or in-person. (Image Credit: Good Faces / Unsplash)
What Questions Are Asked In A Journalism Interview?
The interviewer will start by asking you to go into further detail about your initial application — getting to know your background, your motivation for applying for an MA in Journalism, and why you have chosen this particular programme. From there, you will be asked to demonstrate your commitment to journalism in the past, any work experience or other relevant work you have done, and what skills you have learnt from it.
“If you are already working and wanting to change your career path, think widely about how your experience shows your commitment to journalism,” suggests Jason. “For example, PR, writing advertorials, blog posts, or creating TikToks… That is all relevant experience — so don’t forget to include that when explaining your experience. Social media is huge within journalism — storytelling and editing are really good skills — so don’t leave them out.”
For the second half of the interview, you may be asked about a topic currently in the news or to pitch an idea in the style of the course you have applied for. You might even be asked to write a short story or complete a mini-written exercise, which will use your general knowledge of what’s happening in the news both in the UK and internationally. For this reason, it’s important to be across all categories of journalism in preparation for your interview.
Laura Howes, 24, studied MA Television Journalism and recalls her interview being “incredibly exciting. I enjoyed the adrenaline, having prepared for such a long time”. She recalls having a news quiz and general questions about why she was applying to her chosen course.
Laura says: “I couldn’t answer every news test question correctly (and I’m not sure I could now, either!) but you need to demonstrate that you can think ‘on the spot’. If I didn’t know the exact answer to a news-test question, I was honest about that, but didn’t shy away from discussing any context I did know.”
Common Questions Asked At Postgraduate Course Interviews
While there’s no real way of knowing what you might be asked at an interview, there are some areas it’s worth thinking about in advance. Here are some questions based on common discussion topics.
• Why did you decide to apply for this course?
• What kind of journalism do you want to work in? Why?
• What work experience have you done and how is this relevant to journalism?
• What publications do you read, or what types of journalism do you listen to/watch?
• Are there any journalists you admire?
• Why do you want to be a journalist?
• Tell me about a story you’ve found interesting recently.
• Be prepared to be asked about current affairs, ie what’s in the news.
What Questions Should I Ask At A Postgraduate Interview?
The interview is also a great time to ask questions and find out more about the course, work experience and job prospects.
Benetto adds: “It’s a good opportunity to ask about what a typical week looks like; details of a specific module; what guest speakers and alumni come to City; or anything about the teaching and department. We really welcome lots of questions.”
Make a note of your queries beforehand so you don’t forget anything; being thorough can ensure the MA you have chosen is right for you and also shows that you’ve done your research and know your goals.
What’s The Format Of A Masters Degree Interview?
For the most part, you can expect an interview to last from 20 to 30 minutes, typically led by the course leader or their deputy.
The interview, whether in person or via Zoom, will be a smart casual environment so ensure you have something comfortable but appropriate ready in advance. In other words, there’s no need to get out the suit.
"Make sure you know what’s going on in the news and in the world. Come up with ideas on what you would like to do and achieve as a journalist and be ready to discuss them."
Jason Bennetto, Senior Lecturer
Hridika Nandra, a 22-year-old who studied the TV Journalism course, says she was given a short photo quiz, where she had to recognise the person in the picture and share her knowledge about them.
She adds: “I was asked how I felt my undergraduate degree in Psychology and Consumer Marketing would help in journalism, and why I felt my chosen course was for me. They then asked me for examples of my work experience and how that has also helped me in journalism. I would certainly recommend people to watch the news before your interview because you might be quizzed on that — but mostly, don’t try to be someone you’re not and just say if you don’t know something.”
Archie agrees that you should be following the news as part of your weekly routine. “My Zoom interview began with questions about why I wanted to be on the course and what I hoped to gain from the programme. From there, they asked about the experience I had and what I had learnt before asking four questions on current news and affairs.
“I remember them clearly: Who was one of the judges on Strictly Come Dancing? What was Thérèse Coffey’s current role in the government (at that time)? What was the capital of North Korea? And a short maths-based question to do in my head. I actually got all of the questions right apart from the Thérèse Coffey question.”
What Happens After The Interview?
Depending on what course you’ve applied for, you may be asked to complete a short task or submit an example of your work.
“I was given two days to send in two tasks,” says Archie. “[There was] a grammar test, which I had one hour to complete and a written news piece of 300 words which was derived from a set-theoretical scenario. There was a clear brief on how to write the piece — which I did within a day.
“Once I had sent the material back to the tutor, it took about three or four days to hear back from them,” says Archie. “As I had already achieved a 2:1 in my undergraduate degree, I was given an unconditional offer.”
Hridika Nandra learnt of her unconditional offer for the MA Television Journalism course at City University within a week of applying.
After your interview has taken place and any exercises have been submitted, you will typically hear back within a week. This may be conditional and based on your undergraduate degree results or an IELTS test. If you have already met all the requirements the offer will be unconditional.
Before accepting your place, it’s important to make one final consideration of whether the course is the right fit for you and whether you’re able to dedicate yourself to it. While you can work around the course to support yourself, this will take dedication and organisation on your part.
“It’s important that students know an MA course is nothing like an undergraduate degree,” explains Jason. “Most students are in four days a week and the fifth is for assignments or work experience.
“Frequently, those days are full days and there is a lot of contact time. So, you have to be committed. If in doubt, it’s worth coming in for the interview to find out more — but remember we are looking for people who are determined and, ultimately, want to be journalists.”
Find The Perfect Journalism Course For You At City University
Applications for City’s journalism courses are now open and run until the start of the next academic year — but early applications are encouraged.
They offer nine tailored courses, all giving up-to-the-minute industry insights and access to specialist journalism facilities developed in consultation with BBC and ITN experts.
Each year hundreds of people from diverse backgrounds apply to us who want the best education to enable them to get a great job in the media.
Here at City, we provide an intense and highly focused education to help you acquire the up-to-date journalism skills needed to enter your chosen area of the media.