Disabled People Are Still Being Let Down By Covid Messaging

January 2021

Hi there, 

I hope you’re well! I’m a freelance journalist with work across BBC News, The Times, The Independent, VICE, The Telegraph, and more, with examples of my work available here. I’m just popping these pitches through to you in the hope they may be of interest for Red Box. 

Information about Covid has been inaccessible since March 

There are very few people who think the communication from the Government on the pandemic has been stellar. However, disabled people have been sorely ignored within the Government communication strategy. 

Without BSL interpreters at 10 Downing Street, deaf people were often unable to access vital information on new updates, rates, and restrictions (I wrote about this here). Hospital appointments have ceased rapidly alongside shielding guidance not dissimilar to “it’s your choice, good luck”. SEN schools have been given little option other than to open, with pupils, families, and teachers at risk within an environment where distancing is completely impossible by virtue of the need for additional care.

The theme of vague and unclear information hasn’t just been annoying, it is ableist and endangers the lives of disabled people. The Government has to do better going forward.

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